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H. huberi?


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I bought this plant to Marc Roller some years ago. It has reached to the adult stage, producing quite mature pitchers, but I don't know if it's possible to see if it's a hybrid or a species.

I bought it as a H. sp. Akopan. It is obvious for me that it isn't the typical undescribed taxon H. sp. Akopan, like the one sold by A. Wistuba (http://www.heliamphora.de/shop/heliamphora/h-spec-nov-akopan.php).

But it reminds me H. huberi. I read the description about this plant, and I had the feeling this plant fits it. Especially because in the paper is written this plant has been described growing also on the Akopan Tepui.

Some good growers told me it looks like a hybrid, but I saw this plant can hybridize only with H. pulchella, and the hybrids display long hairs in the inner part of the pitcher. My plants doesn't show these hairs. I don't know many pictures of this plant except the ones on the A. Wistuba's site (or here: http://www.cpukforum.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=35063) and Gert's site, and I tried to contact A. Fleischmann, but unsuccessfully.

So, what do you think about this plant? Could it be a real H. huberi? A hybrid? Another thing?

Thank you for your help.






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Hi Vince,

this Plant is for me H. huberi and not a Hybrid!

Very nice Plant!!! :thumbsup:



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Hi Robert, hi Vince

are you sure that the plant I have given to you is H. huberi(UK-Forum)? Because I have bought it from Gert as H. spec. low meadow, which means that this should be an H. ciliata. Whereas H. spec. bonnetia forrest (which should be H. huberi) looks completely different.

I would agree with your thoughts on my H. spec low meadow (then H. huberi), but what is my H. spec. bonnetia forrest then...?

Maybe you can show us the photos and we can discus them.

The new described species are very confusing for me due to the fact that everybody gave different synonyms to the same species..



Bearbeitet von Michael Z
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Thank you Robert, it's a good news ;).

Michael, it seems there is a little confusion.

I have bought some plants to you, but neither H. sp. Low Meadow = H. ciliata nor H. sp. Bonnetia Forest = H. huberi ;).


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Rolf Zanchettin

Hello Michael,

The new described species are very confusing for me due to the fact that everybody gave different synonyms to the same species..

Here is the mentioned publication, maybe this can take you further.

Best regards


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Thank you Rolf - my H. ciliata should definately be an H. huberi.

But what is my H. spec Bonnetia Forrest then? Maybe realy an further unnamed species? Gert still names it with "Bonnetia Forrest" so he shoud be the best person to know whether it is H. huberi or an other unnamed species. Maybe I'll send some pictures to him and ask him which species the plants really are.

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