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ICPS conference 2014, Cairns Australia

Marcel van den Broek

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Marcel van den Broek

ICPS Conference 2014: Cairns18-20th of July 2014


The 2014 ICPS Conference is presented by the three Australian CP Societies, The AustralianCarnivorous Plant Society, The Victorian Carnivorous Plant Society and The Australasian Carnivorous Plant Society.


The conference will be hosted by The Cairns Botanic Gardens, which  houses an impressive  collection of tropical CPs.


This 3 day event will cater for the scientific/academic community, hobbyists and coconservationists alike. High quality  contemporary speakers and a range of public events will be complemented by two unique field trips.


Two post conference field trips have been organised to capture the diversity of tropical Australian CPs.


Monday the 21st of July, a full day trip to Mount Bartle Frere to see 3 different locations for Drosera schizandra.


Tuesday 22nd - Saturday 26th of July, a rare opportunity to visit the very tip of Cape York to see Nepenthes, Tropical Utricularia, Drosera and Byblis.


To express an interest in attending and to receive a pack, please email:




Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ICPSconference2014

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