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Am I doing something wrong with my N. Villosa?


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Hello all, My Villosa is making new leafs smaller than old leafs! Rajah Macrophylla and Trusmadiensis likes these conditions Villosa not so much. temps are 22°C day 10°C night. it is illuminated by bright window light plus 54W T5HO with 6500k bulbs. should I increase night temp a few degrees or decrease illumination? Thanks in advanced!!!DSCF0469.jpg

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I think you should increase night and day temperatures a bit.

My villosa grows pretty well with night temps around 15° and day temps 25°.

macrophylla and rajah like it too :)


Do you change the plants conditions?

The fertilizer is osmocote?




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thanks for the tip Marius! yes that is osmocote slow release pellets. 

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It gets wet only when I water it. I like to keep my foliage on the dry side because wetness seems to make pitchers etc. rot faster. btw here's a pic of my seed grown Edwardsiana it's over 7in across. I got my email from Andreas that my plants have been shipped overseas so I should have my Wistuba Edwardsiana pretty soon!!! hopefully one is male and the other is female :)IMG_0917.jpgIMG_0901.jpg

Edited by vdub804
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I use to give my highland nepenthes coffee but switched to osmocote because it makes em grow very quick I also noticed with the osmocote the leaf jumps are much larger

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Nice edwardsiana. Your villosa should do well.

What kind of osmocote do you use? And how much? Does the moss get damaged by it? I noticed Sphagnum don't like coffee

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Thanks Icarus! I'm using 19-6-12, moss loves it just as much as the nepenthes do.

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my nepenthes from Wistuba made it safe and sound no thanks to FedEx for losing the package :angry: , thanks Andreas for such great plants!!!IMG_0957.jpgIMG_0990.jpg

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Hi Vdub, (?!?)

very nice plants you've bought. And a very nice edwardsiana you still have ;)

I must buy also osmocote nearly. I only read good things about it.

show us please more pictures of your collection.

regards Yanik

(sorry for my English ;) )

Edited by YanikB.
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my collection is not impressive but here are a couple of pic enjoy :) image1.jpeg






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19-6-12? What do you mean? Could you post a link to the osmocote you use? How much do you use and how frequently?




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Hi Icarus,


kurz auf deutsch, weil ichs auf Englisch nicht zusammenbekomme ;)

19-6-12 ist das Verhältnis zwischen Stickstoff, Phosphor und Kalium (manchmal mit einer 4. Zahl auch Magnesium).

Guckst du hier! ;)

auf der rechten Seite steht die Zusammensetzung, in diesem Fall 17-9-11(-2)

MfG Yanik

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Okay, fragt sich nur noch wo es genau diese zusammensetzung gibt, wie häufig man das anwendet und in welcher Konzentration bzw. welche Menge. Muss ich die kleinen Kugeln dann jedes mal unters Sphagnum friemeln?

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