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Pinguicula verfaulen

Maik H.

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with almost 30 years of ping culture I have never had this problem.


may be have you a picture to your problem?

your ping are alone or with other plants ?


the fusarium , the phytophtora , the pythium  are a dirty trick.


we must first isolate the problem, so that it does not communicate with other plants and including different genus.
destroy all plants with this problem
clean all the environment (pot, etc.)
disinfect the substrate by the temperature,a few minutes in the oven

in fact destroy all the spores.







Bearbeitet von jeff72
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i have the same problem for many years, so i stop to increase my collection,
but for the first time this year i find what was the problem.

it's mites who killed my pings, they are very difficult to see because they are very small
a few 1/10em of milimeters if you have not a magnifying lens X 10 or microscope
if you cant see the mites and so you can think (like me ) that it could be a sort of fungus who killed
the plants, but no.

this year the infection was so big, in summer when the temperature was high, that i could see for
the first time some mites on the leaves, most of them are under or in the roots

i make two picture to show you mites on ping leaves






a link interesting




a link to see that others species of carnivorous can be attacked by mites

you can also have dionaea heliamphora, drosera






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if it is this problem see here

Small scale infestations are quite difficult to spot because of the very small size of these parasites. Two signs will nevertheless allow you to detect the presence of red spiders:

     The thin canvases woven around the leaves and stems by red spiders are not very visible, however, they become very clearly apparent when water is sprayed on the plant.

     The damage caused by these mites will also put you in the ear: leaves stitched with white or yellow dots, then becoming completely yellow, and eventually drying and falling, or leaves becoming greyish and dry. In case of massive infestation, the plant can die in a short time.

this mite hates water ,may be a possibility for a small infection.

they do not develop below 12 ° C

in the case of a large infection, you can use a natural predator of the red spider: Phytoselulus persimillis(Phytoseiulus is marketed as nymphs and adults on vermiculite in a small tube )


but may be have you a picture to your problem?



Bearbeitet von jeff72
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Hi guys,


the pictures of jp95 are interesting indeed. But what is it? In my opinion definitely no spider mites. Can anybody tell me what it is? Then we might know if these small animals damage the plants or not...


@jp95: What did you do after you found these "mites"? Did you get rid of them by any treatment? Did your plants recover?


Cheers Marcus

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i think they are from the familly of oribatid


thy could be Liebstadia similis



or perhaps oribata sp this genius seem to be very big and difficult to identify



after the identification , i bought a product in usa called Floramite (bifénazate)

and i make a treatment, for the first time this summer i dont' lose mexican pings


but not all the mites are dead, i saw a few of them these days, i think

when you have some of theses species in your collection you must make

some treatment every years


theres is an other product called AVID (abamectine) who seems to vork very well , but it's toxicity seems to be very

big to using it safely in a greenhouse.





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Weichhautmilben wären in dem feuchten Habitat auch eine Möglichkeit. Die gezeigten sind keine. Die Weichhautmilben sind auch so winzig und selbst mit Lupe schlecht bis gar nicht zu erkennen. Sehr effektive Pflanzenkiller. Nicht alle Akarizide wirken gegen die.

Gespinst haben die auch keins.

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if it is this acarien

 these mites seem, for the most part, to feed on fungi or dead plant material and detritus (saprophages). Some are necro- / coprophage)
so rather useful no :blush:


why always use chemicals when you can use their predator :dntknw:


no pictures of the damage caused, it's really a pity :down:


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Sehen die verseuchtin Pings villeicht so aus?

Ich vermute bei mir einen Insektenbefall.

Sind es villeicht kleine Spinnen oder Blattläuse, die da an der Basis rumknabbern?


Das Wachstum hat sich auch stark verlangsamt, nachdem die bräunliche Färbung auftrat.

Vor Kurzem hatte sie noch Blütenstängel.


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leider muss ich dich enttäuschen. Die Pflanze auf dem Bild wäre für mich ein Fall für den Kompost. Man könnte noch versuchen Blattstecklinge zu machen, ansonsten schätze ich die wird nicht wieder... sorry!

Eine Winterrosette sieht ganz anders aus.


Was dieses Schadbild verursacht habe ich aber auch noch nicht richtig rausgefunden. 


LG Marcus 

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Jedenfalls weit entfernt von dem was meine Pflanzen veranstalten. Irgendwas lässt bei dir Blätter im jüngsten Stadium eingegen.

Glaube auch ned dass die sich wieder fängt. 

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I am OK with  MV  no hibernaculae or no winter  rosette , desolate for me your plant will die


the round things in the center of the rosette make me think to eggs





Bearbeitet von jeff72
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Hi, you are the third person telling me my plant will die.

It's a sad experience to me, it was so healthy all the time since i got it 2 summers ago.


You noticed eggs near the basis?

What kind of animals could do such demage to my Tina?

I need to know what is killing my Ping. 2 Weeks ago it was not sic.

Could it be a fungus instead?

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Das sind keine Eier meiner Meinung nach. Vielleicht sollte mal jemand mit einem Mittel gegen Weichhautmilben einen Versuch machen.

Eine Untersuchung unter einem Binokular oder einem Mikroskop kann das aber auch vorab genauer diagnostizieren.

Die Ansteckungsgefahr bei dafür anfälligen Pflanzen ist bei denen sehr hoch wenn man sowas im Bestand hat.

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Ich habe meine Pinguicular gerade nochmal in Augenschein genommen und 4 winzige braune Tiere gefunden.

Da ich nur eine Lupe habe, kann ich sie nicht genauer beschreiben.

Ich bekomme mit meinem Handy trotz Lupe kein vernünftiges Bild davon hin.

Wenn es diese Weichhautmilben sind, wie geht man mit ihnen vor?

Könnten es auch winzige Spinnen sein?

Diese Tiere sind nichtmal 1/2 mm groß, und ich weis nicht ob sie die Übeltäter sind.


Mir ist natürlich klar, das die Pflanze nicht mehr zu retten ist.

Dennoch möchte ich auch dieser Katastrophe lernen, es soll ja nicht auchnoch bei der nächsten Ping passieren.


LG Donnerkoettel

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Yes, these are leafs.

The are brown, almost dead.

I noticed small animals, maybe some kind of spiders.

I do not know the correkt word in english, in germen we call them "Milben".

I think they are the Problem.

I have got a lence but even with that i cannot see what exactly the are.

They are very tiny.


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I was able to get one with an small Wooden Stick.

I burned it with a lighter.

Anyway, before i buy new plants, i make sure to have venoms instead.

One against fungus, one against mites and also one against insects.

It makes sence to me, buying new plants over and over is the wrong way, becouse i don't want to watch 'em dieing anymore.

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