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tuberous sundew, growth begins again


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Since a few week, the tuberous droseras have started to grow again.
I replanted them a bit earlier than other years and the results are pretty good so far.
here are some pictures:

Drosera squamosa



Drosera squamosa sand form


Squamosa flowers


Drosera Magna



Magna flowers


Drosera erythrorhiza var imbecilla





Drosera Bulbosa


Drosera Tubaestylis


The most amazing thing this year is the massive flowering of the plants of the Erythrorhiza complex,
it is the first time that they have flowered so much. Its beautifull all theses flowers !



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vor 5 Stunden schrieb jp95:


Since a few week, the tuberous droseras have started to grow again.
I replanted them a bit earlier than other years and the results are pretty good so far.
here are some pictures:

Drosera squamosa



Drosera squamosa sand form


Squamosa flowers


Drosera Magna



Magna flowers


Drosera erythrorhiza var imbecilla





Drosera Bulbosa


Drosera Tubaestylis


The most amazing thing this year is the massive flowering of the plants of the Erythrorhiza complex,
it is the first time that they have flowered so much. Its beautifull all theses flowers !




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Hello, new test


Since a few week, the tuberous droseras have started to grow again.
I replanted them a bit earlier than other years and the results are pretty good so far.
here are some pictures:

Drosera squamosa





Drosera squamosa sand form



Squamosa flowers



Drosera Magna





Magna flowers



Drosera erythrorhiza var imbecilla








Drosera Bulbosa



Drosera Tubaestylis



The most amazing thing this year is the massive flowering of the plants of the Erythrorhiza complex,
it is the first time that they have flowered so much. Its beautifull all theses flowers !


by (it seems to be good this time)

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Hi, nice plants, mine are just starting to grow somewhat reluctantly. Last year they were also quiet late. I kept them in their pots during summer, maybe the conditions of the summer dormancy also are responsible for the time when growth starts again in fall? does anyone have experience in this regard?

Best, Peter.

(Servus, schöne Pflanzen, meine fangen erst jetzt etwas zögerlich zu treiben an. Letztes Jahr waren sie auch spät dran, ich lasse sie im Sommer in den Töpfen, vielleicht bestimmen ja auch die Bedingungen der Sommerruhe den Zeitpunkt des Austreibens maßgeblich?-hat da wer Erfahrungen?

GlG, Peter.)

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