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Wie Brocchinia reducta bestäuben?

Julian Preuß

Empfohlene Beiträge

Hi everyone,


Bromeliads are dichogamous plants, which means that the anther and stigma develops with a delay compared to each other to avoid self pollination. In some species this is very strict, in others not so much; some are self-incompatible as it was suggested above.
Best way to try pollination is to save pollen from one flower and use it on the next one, but still it won't work if the species is self incompatible.

here is a link on dichogamy:



and here is one on a highland bromeliads pollination strategy:

https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-tropical-ecology/article/sexual-reproductive-strategies-of-puya-nitida-bromeliaceae-in-a-colombian-paramo-a-tropical- highelevation-ecosystem/918319C9AED7B0FB90F32B64C1F04EAD


About the seeds, Bromeliads are classified into subfamilies.


"The Bromeliaceae are traditionally classified into three subfamilies: Pitcairnioideae, with superior (to half-inferior) ovaries, forming capsules with winged seeds ; Tillandsioideae, with superior ovaries forming capsules with plumose seeds; and Bromelioideae, with inferior ovaries forming berries with unappendaged seeds "

Now this is old school stuff, but it explains why the seeds are winged.


Sorry for the excessive amount of data. I collect bromeliads since age 10. And now i'm going to restrain myself...

Bearbeitet von smallmammal
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So die Samen fangen an zu keimen 😉

Bin gespannt wie es sich weiter entwickelt.


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